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Welcome to Zen Coaching!

Here we offer support and guidance to unblocking your potential, embracing change and reaching your personal development goals. 

If you are ready to gain control over your life and embark on a transformational journey to your individual growth and success, you came to the right place.


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Who we are

Born out of the Zen Living Project ("ZLP"), ZEN Coaching is an initiative founded with the aim of building a holistic community of mutual help in Mozambique and creating an ecosystem based on emotional balance, inner healing and personal discovery.

It was conceived during the pandemic and from the only certainty in uncertain times: - The human being was designed to live in community and thus evolve and prosper; working on yourself, for yourself and helping others to do the same.

ZLP is an egoless movement with the mission to combine, complement and share knowledge of the practice of alternative therapies and philosophies such as Yoga, Reiki, Meditation, Coaching, Mindfulness, Manifestation techniques, etc.

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Hi, I'm Jess!

I'm the soul behind the Zen Living Project and now Zen Coaching. 

Many of you may know me as a Lawyer working for big corporations for the last twenty years.  For all this time, I followed the so called traditional trajectory that society applauded: a stable job, a steady paycheck, and the allure of climbing the corporate ladder. Yet, as I climbed, I felt an increasing disconnect between my daily tasks and my inner aspirations. The metrics of success that the corporate world measures – financial gains, job titles, and hierarchical advancements – no longer resonated with me.

The seeds of change were sown through introspection and conversations with mentors, friends, and loved ones during my two hundred hour Yoga Instructor Training. I then realized that I yearned for something more profound than a nine to five job. My journey towards self-discovery led me to explore my passions, strengths, and values, ultimately unveiling a path I felt compelled to pursue: coaching and mentoring.

The prospect of guiding individuals through their own transformative journeys, helping them unleash their potential and find fulfillment, ignited a fire within me (even as I was still in the corporate world and with my own team). I realized that my true purpose lay in fostering personal growth and assisting others in their pursuit of happiness and success.

Through coaching, I've discovered the power of purpose, the beauty of personal connections, and the joy of helping others succeed. This journey has reaffirmed that fulfillment and success are not just defined by society's metrics but by the impact we create and the lives we touch.


As I guide others on their own transformative journeys, I am reminded that the path less taken can lead to the most profound destinations.

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